Wednesday, March 09, 2011

How life has changed since being unemployed

Getting 2 to 3 phone screen calls per week, but none have turned into a face to face interview. Potential contract opportunity, good pay, but 100% travel until July.

Keeping busy with mom, (Medicaid approved today!) Dad (starting to clean out his house getting ready to sell) and Aunt Rhoda (see below)

(posted on Facebook 3/8/2011)

Today it became apparent how much my life has changed since becoming unemployed.

A few short months ago I was traveling to Singapore and China working on large projects impacting several thousand people.

Today I took Aunt Rhoda to the Dentist and when we got in the car to leave, she looked at me and said very proudly, "I haven't wet myself yet!"

God love her! That put's things in perspective