Thursday, August 18, 2011

Angela update

For those that do not have Facebook, I wanted give you an update on Angela.

Her surgery went fine, they removed a golf ball size tumor, but got all the cancer. The Doctor has ordered Chemo (6 treatments, 1 every 3 weeks) followed by radiation treatments (not sure how many) as a precaution only, which is a blessing.

Tuesday night we had a Prayer "Flash Mob" at our house! Between 30 and 40 women showed up to pray and encourage Angela before her chemo, it worked for both of us. We are very blessed to have such a great church family! We feel the prayers everyday.

After a day and half of testing, Angela had her first chemo treatment today. It went better then she expected, tired but not sick. A friend who has gone through a similar cancer brought us dinner and has been a big encouragement to us.

so keep on praying, thanks for the cards, calls, text and facebook messages, and visits, it has been a blessing to us to know others genuinely care for us.

Here is Angela's new short haircut