Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

This picture shows 6 people sleeping in the living room of my mother-in-laws house in Morehead, KY. We just got back from spending our Thanksgiving there and we had a great time. We had 14 people all over the house Thanksgiving night and would have not had it any other way.
1st the bad news, we finally had the nerve to tell Tammy that no one really liked the dinner rolls and cakes she has been getting from Riley's Bakery in Newark. For years Gary has gone down there and stood outside to get the rolls and cakes for family events. We always thought everything from there was so dry and hard to eat, but we never could bring it to tell Tammy. She thinks they are great! Well we told her and now she is paranoid about everything she makes. She even called Corey tonight and asked him what else she makes that no one likes!
Now the good news, we had a great time.
The food was great, even Pam's breakfast was very good, with plenty to go around. It was the first time that everyone had been together for Thanksgiving, maybe ever. I know it wasthe 1st time since Billy Reid passed away and Memi moved to KY. Everyone got along and got to do there own thing. Some played Phase 10, some watched football, some watched hunting shows, and the rest just talked to each other.
On Friday, JR took Brandon and Blake out to some land he owned for them to hunt. Brandon said it reminded him a little of deliverance and was glad he had a gun, they saw a few does, but no bucks. JR gave Blake a muzzle loading pistol and Brandon and Corey a muzzle loading rifle.
Tyler and Memi got up at 0430 to be at the stores by 0500, said the Wal-Mart lot was overflowing. The rest of us got up and went shopping around 0700. Tami and Gary left to fight the crowds at Jeffersonville Outlet Malls.
Got back Friday, so today we put up the outside decorations. Angela and I then spent the rest of the day in Columbus Christmas shopping. I was surprised how easy it was to get around, there were people, but not a lot. The weather was great with temps in the 60s.
Tomorrow, have another dinner at the Bonner's with Kyle and Amy and their families and then back to work on Monday.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I'm Back!

Well, I am finally back and ready to get you caught up on what has been going on, it has been a very busy time since our last blog. so let work my way backwards.

  1. Go Bucks! OSU beat the dreaded team from up north, in without a doubt the best football game I have ever seen. We had about 20 people over to watch and my brother in law Gary was going nuts! He was wearing a scarlet and gray wig and was yelling and screaming at the TV. He was so nervous the whole game he never sat down, but would pace and yell all the time. This game was an instant classic and was much better than something called the "Iron Bowl". Who names a bowl after a household appliance? Those people from the Alabama can be a little odd, but we love them. So now it is back to Arizona to play in the National Championship game on 1/8/07
  2. Saturday AM I helped at the church by manning the coffee bar at the Ladies Holiday Brunch. Angela was in charge of this part and it looked great. Her and Tammy decorated the table, and Pam, Kellie, and Tammy got to attend. Angela made us all laugh by telling the winning story about the funniest Christmas when she told about how the girls tied her dad's bedroom door shut on Christmas Eve so they could sleep without him waking them up. Angela also made us cry by telling the night her dad died after returning home from Nashville. It is a great story, ask her to it to you, if you have not heard it before.
  3. Thursday was a travel day unlike any other. I had been in Phoenix all week on business and was trying to get home. When I checked my bag, the boarding card did not give me a seat number so I knew something bad was up. To make a very long story short, all the flights from Phoenix to Columbus on ALL airlines were oversold for Thursday and Friday! to get back home, I had to take a 4 hour flight from Phoenix to Orlando, wait 4 hours and then fly 2.5 hours to Columbus. The only other option was stay in Phoenix until Saturday! At least I got a free airplane ticket out of the deal.
  4. The week in Phoenix good and bad. The purpose of the trip was to present a cultural awareness simulation (training session to all those who do not have a Masters Degree) to all the Plant Managers from every Abbott Nutrition mfg plant. My part went really well, so I got some kudos from those that attended. The other good part was the food! It was wonderful, Mexican type for breakfast, lunch, and dinner prepared by the chef at the plant in Casa Grande, AZ south of Phoenix. Only bad part was it was meetings all day everyday from 0800 until 07:00 PM, so after we would eat in the evening we had about hour to unwind before going to bed and starting all over the next day.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Vacation Pictures

Where we stayed in Gatlinburg & Hilton Head

Angela at The Lady and Sons

Part of the gang from TN

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Last Night

We have been on vacation with the same 9 couples for the last 4 years. We all look forward to the fall when we travel to Gatlinburg. The last 3 years we have stayed at the same place and have developed many fun routines.

The 1st night we all go out to dinner together, Friday we go out to a nice place and eat, Thursday and Saturday night we grill out, and Saturday morning the men cook breakfast.

But Saturday night is always a very special time. After dinner we all gather around and tell 1 Praise report from the last 12 months and a prayer request for the next 12 months. It is wonderful time with tears and hugs as we pray for our kids, each other, health and job needs, and just for God to work in our lives.

It is very rare to have those kinds of friends and that is what we miss most since leaving TN and moving back to Ohio. We have made many new friends and renewed family ties in Ohio and that is great!

I think it was Mark Twain that said a lucky main has 2 or 3 close friends during their lives, we feel very fortunate to have 9 couples in TN that are that to us.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Vacation Day 3 to End

  • Day 3 began badly with a "Low Oil Pressure" warning from the car, but added some oil and no problems until later. The trip from Hilton Head to Gatlinburg was fine with no problems. The back seat had already started to fill up with things we had bought. The trunk was already full with baggage. I had to pack more than normal because I left Sunday for Chicago for work, since I did not want to take a chance on the flight, I carried a set of clothes with me. Angela just packed like she normally does, see earlier posting for details. We met up with our friends and ate at Corky's that night.
  • Day 4 was a shopping day (aren't they all?). Anthony, Chris, and I went to a Christmas store to look at their train display, I bought 2 OSU ornaments for my Ohio State tree. Dirk and Ken met us at lunch at Cracker Barrel. We then spent the rest of the afternoon at a Bass Pro shop that was huge!! Never been in one that big before. Angela didn't buy much but was scouting out her purchases for later. Sid cooked out hot dogs and burgers for dinner. Played dominoes, was winning till others got sleepy and went to bed.
  • Day 5 more shopping! Angela and I went by ourselves. Car started giving the same warning as before so I took it to Billy at Ridge Road Automotive. Billy was a character, 64 year old chain smoker, who had his shirt unbuttoned to his belly button, but wore a coat over his shirt. He hadn't shaved all week, but I was stuck with no good options. Had to leave the car. Went to Gatlinburg, visited the Pepper Palace with the largest selection of hot sauces I have ever seen! Bought 2 jars and sampled about 20 different types. Ate at the Peddler, a great place in town with everyone and headed back to cabin. Didn't sleep well worrying about the car.
  • Day 6, Billy called at 9:00 AM and said he could find nothing wrong! Praise The Lord! Better yet he did not charge us anything. Picked up car with James, ladies went shopping again, and Anthony and Chris went to the UT game, James and I stayed around the cabin and watched the OSU game and got some of the food ready for that night. Sid cooked tenderloin and fish on the grill. (Read next posting for more details about what happened later)
  • Day 7, headed home early due to my flight was supposed to leave at 5:30 PM, ended up leaving at 8:00 PM. No problems driving home.
  • A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL! It was just good to get away and see our old friends.