Sunday, June 15, 2008

Things I do not get.

  1. I don't get why we are using corn for ethanol and people are starving all over the world.
  2. I don't get why we rely on people who could care less about us for oil when we have enough right here if we could only drill for it.
  3. I don't get why people value animals over real people.
  4. I don't get why people think tax cuts are a bad thing, it's my money to start with.
  5. I don't get why people didn't call their dad today on Father's Day, I did and my boys called me.
  6. I don't get why people who are trying to adopt a baby can have someone change their mind and destroy dreams of people who will love that baby more than anybody else ever could.
  7. I don't get why people believe in global warming, GOD is in control, not us. (the temperatures are going down right now not up, tornadoes are caused by cold fronts not rising temperatures, also follow the money and see how people who are scaring us have set themselves up to benefit financially from it, and some of the most famous people who are trying to scare us are making the problem much more worse than I ever could, with their private jets and huge homes).
  8. I don't get why people are to full pride to say they are sorry, go rent the Bucket List today!
  9. I don't get why people think they can't make a difference in a situation so they just don't try.
  10. I don't get why Jesus Christ died for you and me, but I am glad he did.

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