Saturday, May 28, 2011

interesting facts about Qatar I didn't know

  1. The work week is Sunday to Thursday, they go to "church" on Friday AM
  2. Friday is family day at the shopping malls, they do not let single Arab men into the mall then
  3. You never see Arab men and women holding hands, usually the women walk behind the men
  4. You cannot make a left turn, at all intersections there are traffic circles or U turns are allowed, so you go past where you want to go, turn around and make a right turn
  5. There are wild camels in the desert, you have to watch for them crossing the road, like we do deer in Ohio
  6. 90% of Qatari live in the capital city of Doha
  7. Highest income per person in the world
  8. Not unusual to see several old small shops next to a Porsche or Lexus dealer
  9. Gas is fixed at $1 per liter (think this is close to $2 per gallon)
  10. There are people from 35 different countries working at the plan I am at, mostly from Ghana, Africa and the Philippines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, this really helped! Very interesting...