Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter Wonderland!

  • It has been quite a week so far. Temperatures below zero, snowed about 4 inches today. It took my 45 minutes to get to work this morning and over an hour and half to get home. Averaged about 20 MPH all the way home tonight but made it home safely.
  • Monday AM on my way to work I was stopped at the light by Bob Evans, getting ready to make a left turn onto the freeway, when the brake peddle went all the way to the floor! What are the odds of the brakes failing while I was stopped instead of traveling 60 MPH! It shook me a little, but know God's hand was on me and I made it safely to Deke's. so the Neon is back in the shop, getting new rear brakes.
  • We are finally in the process of finishing the family room. When I lost my job in 2000 we had just finished the kitchen. God has provided the $$$ and we are painting the family room barn red and have a new couch on order. The painter has the 1st coat on the loft and it looks better than I could have imagined. Cannot wait until it is all done. My sister-in-law Pam liked the idea so much she went and bought the exact same sectional sofa we got!
  • Tyler is fixing up his new house before moving in. He put tile in the kitchen and will have hardwood floors down before he moves in. Not sure where he gets his talent, but must be from his great grandfather Salyer. Sure not from me, I am not allowed to do anything involving tools or a paint brush.
  • Corey's basketball team lost their tournament game so the season is over. The most memorable part was at the end of the 1st quarter Corey got a technical from the ref! He had to stay seated for the rest of the game, which was the only time this season he sat down.
  • Have to travel to Canada next week for business, cannot imagine how cold and snowy it will be but will give a full report when I return.
  • Question: Why do people have blogs and only update them once a month? Their lives must be so boring they have nothing to write about.
  • God bless and stay warm and safe!

1 comment:

Donna Dear said...

Well, thankfully your comment was not directed toward me :) Also the spelling police would like to say it is pedal not peddle. Your brake is not selling anything.