Monday, June 15, 2009

God versus Nature

When people get sick, is it because they did something wrong?

When I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer someone told me I got it from my diet and lifestyle. They said they have found the secret to being healthy by avoiding animal protein and eating only plant protein. So in essence it was my fault that I had cancer.

I told them, I did not believe that. That my God doesn't hide his truths in nature around us. God has a plan for me and everyone else, and my path included having cancer. They did not produce any scripture to back up their claim, which also makes me leery.

I didn't want to keep it going, but I thought about asking them things like:
  • So if I eat this special diet, I'll never get sick again? Will I live forever?
  • If I do stay healthy, does God get the glory or the diet?
  • Since God really loves me, why would he "hide" the secret of health in nature around me?
  • What scripture backs up your claims? Just because we want something to be true, does not make it so.

Believe me, I understand the value of eating a balanced diet with more fruits and vegetables. I can do a better job in this area, I admit. I do believe our diet and lifestyle can lead to certain types of illness, but not across the board as blanket statement.

So I believe God causes or allows things to happen in our lives for a variety of reasons. I have been able to testify of God's goodness that helped me through this last month to many unsaved people.

So as we live our lives, we need to look to God first, and nature second. When something bad happens ask God to deliver you, not Mother Nature.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16

Prayer Requests: Sister in law Pam - thyroid cancer, Messick family with the passing of Don Messick yesterday.

1 comment:

Smiths Family Blog said...

Yeah and if I ask God for a Lamborghini and don't get it, it is because I don't have enough faith right?