Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pray for Tyler!

Tyler just called to let me know he has a job interview with Shelby County School district. The interview is with a school principal that has a reputation as being very good to work with. From his voice he is very excited.

My 2nd class at "The Naz" went very well last Tuesday. Starting to understand the flow of the class and how to get material covered without just standing up and reading to them. Now I have to grade 12 quizzes and 12 papers before class Tuesday, pray for me!

Angela getting ready for a jewelry party at our house tonight so I am going watch to Brandon play softball in Columbus tonight.

Thanks to Uncle Gary! Brandon bought a Chevy Lumina from Gary to replace "ol' blue" his Honda with about 2,000,000 miles on it. Now Corey is thinking about buying the convertible Chevy Cavalier Gary has because it would get better mileage than the Jimmy.

My nephew Nathan bought "ol' blue" and Jim called and said that Nate loves it! It is 1st car and Jim said he put about 1,000 miles on it the 1st week. So I could just get the Neon back, the Salyer will have upgrade all 3 cars that are the worse in the family. God is good!!!

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